Consulting & Mentoring

Serge Rodnunsky Film Consultant
Consultant and Mentor Serge Rodnunsky (818)-857-7694 c/txt

Having financed, distributed, produced, and directed over 50 films Serge Rodnunsky is in a unique position for Consulting and Mentoring other filmmakers on their projects – Soup to Nuts! $1000 budgets to $10 million.

• Financing: Serge Rodnunsky can review your production package and help get it financed – Equity Financing, State Financing, Distribution Financing, Gap Financing, Government Financing.
• Casting: In the Catch-22 of casting vs financing vs distribution, getting the right names for your project can trigger financing and distribution. Serge can determine the best plan of attack in attracting strong talent.
• Script Notes and Doctoring: Often times the script is the weak link in getting a project produced and distributed. Serge can evaluate the script on a 7 point program to get it in the best shape.
1. Story 2. Characters 3. Suspense 4. Arch’s 5. Pacing 6. POV  and probably most important to financing 7. Marketability.
• Agency Relationships: Being represented by a major agency can be the key to success, nurturing and developing these relationships can be instrumental in getting casting, distribution and financing.
• Production: Serge is very experienced in getting the most value from production on a limited budget. Getting more “Bang for the Buck”. From Production planning and scheduling to selecting your above and below the line crew to finding “Deals” – its not one thing that can help the film to success its the whole thing. Baking a Delicious Cake takes the right ingredients put together in the right way and baked at the perfect temperature. Filmmaking is collaborative and it involves very long hours in usually high stress environments. The more planning and focus on the production team and the budget the better.
• Post Production: Serge has soup to nuts delivered over 200 films. From QC (Quality Control) aspects of delivery to full sound delivery in all aspects, Stereo, 5.1 surround Serge as done it all.
• Contracts: Although not an Attorney, Serge Rodnunsky has reviewed and been involved with thousands of contracts in areas from Finance Agreements, Production Agreements, All Union and Guild Contracts, Distribution Agreements, Sales Agency Agreements, Copyright and Trademark, Licensing, Locations… etc. Serge also works with a close team of attorney’s who can give detailed legal opinion on any legal matter as necessary.
Overview: Serge Rodnunsky with his extensive relationships in the industry can help to get your project financed and cast. Again it isn’t any one thing but all of it as a whole. A combination of a well developed script (if its not on the page its not on the stage), strong casting, smartly planned production and post production, and solid Distribution.
Seeking the advice of knowledgeable professionals early in the project can save literally 100′s of thousands of dollars later, and even more, it can be the difference between a project getting made or not….