Flynn City



Created by Serge Rodnunsky


Story, Bible and Screenplays by Serge Rodnunsky
©2011-2018, All Rights Reserved. WGAw Reg.(Actors, artwork, and photos are not contractual, for example only – mockups)

Check out the lookbook it’s very cool…



In the heart of downtown Altonville, there is a hard working no-nonsense police department that is known for their impeccable efforts in crime fighting and community policing. They meet their quotas and every year they have reduced violence and have done more drug busts than the year before. The only problem is …… it is all a lie. The stats are bogus. There is another reality.
The Department is run by brilliantly complex Captain John Flynn, there isn’t anything that isn’t under his control or knowledge. He runs this police “organization” with an iron fist. He is ruthless but he protects his men and their families like a benevolent father. He is a reincarnation of the infamous FBI head, J. Edgar Hoover, without the fetishes, but with all the power and dirt on his enemies.
From the Mayor, the City Council, Judges and his brother Edward Flynn the District Attorney, John has the city under his control. The Flynn’s run this town and that’s how it has always been. John Flynn is so powerful he can not be fired or replaced.
Cross the Flynn’s and you disappear or end up in solitary with an extended sentence – throw away the key. John and his family are super smart they never overplay their hands, they are in for the long haul. Flynn never looks for the fast cash play, he makes it on the 15% of everything going down in town. This is millions and millions every year. They run everything.

– Drug Trafficking, Illegal Gambling, Loan Sharking, Insurance/Credit Fraud, Extortion, Kidnapping, Money Laundering, Prostitution, Burglary, Homicide for hire.

Captain John Flynn’s family wasn’t always so corrupt. His dad, Michael Flynn,85, ran the department with a bit of graft but now there are no limits. When an underworld boss targeted John and his partner for assassination 18 years earlier – John snapped. John and his partner were kidnapped and tortured. John’s partner was mutilated and killed in front of him – he miraculously escaped. John then went rogue and in a calculated rage, killed the underworld leadership single-handedly. He then found himself replacing his father and filling the crime vacuum from inside the department.
Captain John Flynn is a 30-year veteran of the force. He’s seen it all and knows all the angles, the family motto “Do the job, no press, stay below the radar”. He has numerous enemies who have tried for years to knock him off the block, top among them State FBI head Conrad Brookings. But as much as the Feds have tried they haven’t been able to pierce the Teflon coating around the Flynn’s.
Whenever the heat is on the Flynn’s manage to deflect and skate. The combination of the DA and Judges in his pocket and an endless amount of low-level losers to take the fall for them makes them untouchable. Agent Conrad Brookings has tried to pull the Flynn’s into Federal Court, but he has never been able to get enough evidence and witnesses to make anything stick. Eighty percent of what Captain John Flynn does is legit, and he regularly switches it all around if he smells a problem. His organization turns on a dime it is cagey and shrewd. They are constantly polishing their craft. Flynn has a daughter, Jasmin,15 and son James,10, from his ex-wife Patricia,44. Combined with his recent super hot Rumanian finance, Teodora – “Teo”, he has an endless amount of family grief and angst. This morally upside down dramatic procedural series puts an element of suspense in every scene of each episode. This fresh approach to the genre turns the good guy/bad guy paradox on its head. The complex interaction of John and his police force playing both sides of the law gives us the guilty pleasure of wanting to see him succeed even if he is operating completely illegally. The Flynn’s are constantly battling the brutal rationalization of their actions as they act consistently above and beyond the law.

EVELYN FLYNN – Charles’ wife. 45
TOMMY FLYNN, Charles’ son young cop. 22, Ex-Marine.
EDWARD FLYNN BROTHER -35, District Attorney
STACY FLYNN, Edward’s Wife.
MICHAEL FLYNN – 85. John, Charles and Edwards father. Suffering from, Emphasima, Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Story and Screenplay by Serge Rodnunsky.© All Rights Reserved.
A young teenager kills his parents Yuri and Olga Growenski with an AK-47 and then blows up his house, but not before he shoots up and kills a cop at the front door of the house.
After the funeral, we meet Captain John Flynn and his brother Detective Charles Flynn.
They are concerned as the incident involved an AK 47. They know Yuri and his brother Oleg very well. They are Russian Mobsters who work for the Flynn’s. Because the murder/suicide involving an AK-47, a terrorist weapon, the FBI are on it immediately. We meet John Flynn’s crazy household when his ex-wife, Patricia shows up while he’s doing it with his new hot 26-year-old Rumanian finance’, Teo. Patricia leaves in a huff with the kids, she can’t deal with it. There is a race for Mayor in progress and we see signs everywhere. Agent Conrad Bookings grills Charles on the weapons and what happened. The weapon is in the Flynn’s Police custody and the FBI want jurisdiction over the case and all the evidence. We see another AK 47 being fired secretly into a water barrel. They are charred in a fireplace. The bag is handed to the FBI. Clearly, a cover-up to keep the gun from being ID’d as supplied with the Flynn’s help. Meanwhile, Charles meets with Oleg and his cousin Alexander. Oleg thinks his brother Yuri was murdered by John Flynn’s men. This is next to impossible to have happened. Oleg isn’t feeling safe. Oleg is interviewed by the FBI. He isn’t being completely honest with the Flynn’s and decides to betray them and sell them out to the Feds. Michael Flynn, 85 meets with his boys, John, Charles and Edward and warns them to “clean house” as the Feds are about to get them. They agree and make plans. Oleg starts playing the FBI against Charles and John. That is the end of it. John has had it. Edward is also concerned about another possible FBI informant, Michaels, who is in prison on a contracting extortion scam orchestrated by the Flynn’s.
Oleg is picked up by John and Charles. They brutally kill Oleg. The Flynn’s are ruthless. What do they do with the body? They put the body in the coroner’s incinerator, of course, they run this town. The Coroner is happy to help. At the same time, the prison informant has a bad meeting with a gas bomb in his cell. Oleg and Michaels, and the FBI’s case against the Flynn’s go up in smoke. John and Charles pick up Oleg’s Cousin Alexander, 26, and tell him that he will replace Oleg or die. Without a choice, he agrees to be the replacement.
The FBI try to bust a drug sale that will directly incriminate the Flynn’s. John is 10 steps ahead of them. They embarrass the FBI, there are no drugs or cash when the bust goes down. And in a final twist, we learn that District Attorney, Edward Flynn is sleeping with FBI Agent Elaine Westley. These Flynn boys really know how to “infiltrate” their enemy.

“Cop ‘til you Drop”
Story and Screenplay by Serge Rodnunsky,© All Rights Reserved.

Young Patrolman Tommy Flynn is with his partner and is called on a domestic dispute. They encounter a huge monster of a guy Doug, he is 6’7” tall and 380 pounds. Tommy is crushed under the guy after falling down some stairs and is hospitalized. Meanwhile, Stacy Flynn OD’s on meds and falls down her stairs and is also hospitalized in the same night. Captain John Flynn and Mayor Spartoli are giving speeches about the quality and standards of life in Altonville to a Union Crowd. After John’s speech, he is informed about the incidents. He races to the hospital.
While checking on his Nephew and Sister in Law he gets a call from Teo that her father in Rumania has had a heart attack and that she must return home immediately. Outside Stacy Flynn’s hospital room John asks Edward if Stacy’s OD is related to his affair with FBI Agent Elaine Westley. Edward is in full denial. With no sleep the next morning, John listens to Teo demand he gets her to the Airport for the trip back to Rumania. He agrees and takes her.
They find out at the airport that there will be a long delay. John books an airport hotel room to wait with Teo. John has sex with Teo. John and Charles then take advantage of the hotel to also book meetings with Alexander and his new work on taking over their Russian mob contingent and then in another room with Union Boss Spitzer on his mishandling of Union Pension funds that have been traditionally controlled by the Flynn’s. Spitzer is trying to let the New Jersey crime elements infiltrate. Definitely not okay with the Flynn’s. John returns and thinks he has Teo getting on the flight. He returns to the hotel to finally get some sleep when his Ex-wife, Patricia, shows at the hotel wanting sex. He complies. We find out that Teo’s flight is again delayed she tries to return to the hotel and finds Patricia in the room with John. She returns to the airport without confronting him.
Tommy Flynn leaves the hospital goes to the prison and breaks Monster Doug’s jaw in his cell. John and Charles have to go cover it up. It was caught on video. Agent Elaine Westley tips off Edward Flynn that they know Alexander and his men are doing the drug deal tonight. John and Charles can’t get a hold of Alexander and race to the site to intervene. They manage to stop the Feds from busting Alexander and his men with one of their patrol cars getting in the middle of the bust. Agent Conrad is furious and embarrassed again. John finally returns to the hospital to have a doctor give him pills and once and for all get some sleep. He wakes the next day finally refreshed and tries to call Teo. Teo throws her phone in a river in Rumania. She’s had it with him. He gets a call from Charles asking how he is and he replies… “Great, I’m ready to catch some bad guys”.

Story and Screenplay by Serge Rodnunsky Copyright©, All Rights Reserved.

Jake Stricklen, 20 is murdered at a local Bowling Alley by Louis Regatta the nephew of Anthony Regatta, Captain in the Vinnici Crime Family. The crime was witnessed by Charles and his son Tommy Flynn while they were there bowling. A year later the case is finally in court on closing arguments with DA, Edward Flynn. Edward believes it is a slam dunk for conviction. John, Charles, Edward, and Tommy are bowling in celebration when Pops, Michael Flynn shows up to tell them he has inside FBI information that Juror #6 has been gotten to by Anthony Regatta and will cause a mistrial. Edward is furious. Michael tells John to move Patricia back in with him and the kids and get rid of the Rumanian. Charles shows up at the strip club and Alexander gives him a bigger than usual payment. Russian George hijacked an electronics truck, so the take is thick this week.
John Flynn is returning home from the bowling alley and is finally able to get Teo in Rumania on the phone. She is strange and elusive with him. John hangs up and immediately calls a police detective friend, Yuri, in Rumania to continue tailing her. He does more than tail her he starts to blackmail her with photos he has of Teo and a Rumanian lover, Chulas, she just had sex with. Yuri arrests Teo, takes her in the basement of the police department and brutally rapes and beats her. John knows nothing about it. He tries to help Edward with his case by speaking to presiding Judge Walker. Walker can do nothing about Juror#6 without evidence, the case is too high profile now. The FBI is listening to Anthony Regotto’s plans. The Feds may actually help Regatta go after the Flynn’s – Starting a war. Agent Conrad Bookings is becoming very suspicious of leaks in his office. He accuses Elaine of leaking information. He confronts her with demands for a surprise lie detector test. Elaine can’t refuse. She manages to pass it even though she is lying through her teeth. Teo is thrown in a Bucharest alley and ends up in the hospital and given a rape kit. She can’t press charges so she runs away, she is scared and homeless on the streets of this cold Rumanian city. In Judge Walker’s chambers, Edward makes the case for removing Juror #6. He brings in Elaine hoping she will cooperate and help Edward. The FBI refuses to be involved. Edward feels betrayed by Elaine. John demands they use all means necessary to get to Juror #6. Charles finds out that Juror #6 is a dental hygienist who was at John’s birthday a few years back and slept with John almost breaking up her engagement with some muscle head. Very messy. Teo calls Charles from Rumania and begs for help. She’s afraid to speak to John. Charles and Edward wish Teo would just go away. They feel she is becoming a distraction to John and the family, but are not sure if they should confront John on it.

Charles gets to Nancy, Juror #6 and she will vote for conviction. This makes Anthony Regotto crazy and he sends an African hit squad to Altonville to abduct Juror#6’s mother Mary and make a hostage video to get her back in line so they can get their hung jury. When the death squad shows up Tommy, Charles and John are ready for them. Tommy poses in the house in drag as Mary, Juror#6’s mother. They capture all three African hit men. John and Charles summarily execute them and incinerate their remains at the coroner’s office. They send their trinkets in a bloody box back to Anthony Regatta as a warning. Louis Regatta is convicted on all counts. Teo texts John and he responds, there is clear tension. John is now losing interest in Teo and she is freaking out.

John thinks he’s sick of his Rumanian and wants to get back with his former wife when Teo shows up at his door unannounced. Charles and John were trying to prevent her return by using the Russians to mess with her visa status. They are too slow. The Rumanian gangster boyfriend, Chulas, gets extremely jealous and angry and kills Rumanian detective Yuri. Patricia admits she is actually in love with someone else but is willing to stay with James for the kids. John finds out that Teo was unfaithful. Both women half want John and half hate him. He hates both of them. He can’t resolve any of it and just continues to sleep with both. Agent Conrad decides to put pressure on John by leaking information to the Tribune paper and specifically journalist Eric Celefant. John, Charles, and Edward are extremely nervous about any stories being printed at the last possible second they come up with dirt on Celefant and the paper and the story is squashed. Conrad is again embarrassed as they threaten to print a story about FBI leaks trying to influence local papers. Conrad is shut down.

Story and Screenplay by Serge Rodnunsky Copyright©, All Rights Reserved.

DA episode. A criminal case against a defendant opens up a real problem for the Flynn’s on cross in court. It becomes a huge headache for John as its an irrefutable source, a young girl, 9, saw Charles as the man who shot her dad. Its difficult for Edward to refute. It causes a near-mistrial and a criminal investigation of Charles is demanded. The DA and John and Charles are caught in a huge police lie. The whole case hangs in the balance. The only way they can see is that the girl is killed or “disappears”. But its too high profile now and it is morally reprehensible for this to happen. In the end, it comes down to her inadvertently causing her own testimony to be invalidated and there is serious jury tampering. Edward has to really tap dance through this one.
In the middle of all of this John and Charles have to off one of their own. There is a special pact that they have to do in order for this to happen it has to be a majority vote of Charles, DA and John and Michael. Michael is being very stubborn and won’t let it happen. Charles unilaterally acts, saving the situation. Meanwhile, Teo gets preoccupied with some new health kick a very eccentric yoga and food juicing program. She drives John and the family nuts with it. It’s actually nothing serious. Patricia has a debt that her ex- “boyfriend” has gotten himself into and wants John’s help. He finally figures out what the money is for and says HELL NO! He will not help.

Story and Screenplay by Serge Rodnunsky Copyright©, All Rights Reserved.
The mayor is caught with two hookers, the only problem is one is underage. The parents find out. In fact, the underage one is not a girl, it’s a boy in drag. John sends the mayor on an extended vacation. John has to bury it.

Some of the Heroine from the “evidence room” is responsible for one of the cops daughters ODing and dying. John is concerned and pissed at the lack of accountability by a local pusher.

They find out one of their own is raping women on traffic stops. He is summarily punished and run out of town. In the end, he is found dead. He was about to speak to the FBI. We find out that John has a new informant inside the FBI. A mole. The FBI realizes the mole’s identity and tries to finally frame John. John figures it out.

Charles’ mistress Kendra and Teo start hanging out. It’s a danger to John and Charles. They are partying at discos at night in NYC. Charles and John have to go to NYC and get them. While there John finds a bunch of new connections on high priced insurance scams. John is intrigued, but when Charles and Edward find out they kill the idea and they are responsible for saving John’s ass. John turns these guys over to NYPD and FBI in a weird twist. Its part of an FBI sting and they think they get John. But just as they swoop in they find out from NYPD and other FBI that he reported the criminal activity prior to them busting him.

Rumanian boyfriend, Chulas, shows up and wants Teo back. He is a nasty dude. John is not having it. The guy makes a huge play for her. John is about to throw her to the wolf when he has a conscious. The guy is a thug, eastern European mafioso who is responsible for numerous rapes, murders, extortion in Rumania and Bosnia. John has had it. He gives Teo an ultimatum. Teo decides to stay with John. Chulas isn’t having it and makes a play to kill John. John’s team is all over it. The boyfriend is caught. John makes her prove her love for him by killing Chulas herself. She is scared to death by the experience.

John is going to marry Teo and in the end, he can’t go through with it. Patricia steps in to protect her place in his heart. Teo is too crazy and John realizes that it may happen someday but not now. John sleeps with Patricia just to piss Teo off.

Edward and Charles get in a fight. Edward reveals to John that Charles has a gambling problem and he’s been stealing from John and him. John is super pissed and has to deal with his top enforcer being really out of commission. Charles has opened up a huge hole on John’s flank for the coming attacks from the FBI and the Mob.

This is the cliffhanger. Everyone comes down on John at once, The FBI, The Jersey Mob, The Paper, His brothers, His Rumanian Teo, His ex-wife Patricia. John has a heart attack. He is hospitalized and he rips himself out of the hospital and shows up to fight them all. He is defiant and he proves to them that he is not going down any time soon. They are all shocked at his absolute resilience and tenacity. He is a force beyond words. He rejects the FBI from trying to enforce a search warrant of his offices – they have no jurisdiction. In fact, Charles and Edward are a week ahead of this investigation and have cleared everything. There’s nothing for the FBI to find. There are no records there. John takes every drug available to keep him alive and functioning.