Nylon Dawn




Series, Story, Bible, and Screenplays
Created and Written by Serge Rodnunsky.
© Copyright 2012-2018, All rights reserved. (Actors, artwork, and photos are not contractual, for example only – mockups)

Check out the lookbook… pdf.



Season 1 –
Episode 101 – “Mom 1988”
Episode 102 – “The Terms”
Episode 103 – “Clerical Error”

Nylon Dawn is a modern-day noir thriller series that follows stunning Ashley Gable. Ashley is a young 23-year-old intern criminologist who comes to New Orleans from Detroit to find out who murdered her mother, “Nylon” Dawn Crowley, twenty years earlier in the famous Lafitte Reserve Murders. The bodies were dumped in the swamps southeast of the city. Ashley was raised in Detroit by her recently deceased Grandparents and now has just arrived in New Orleans for the first time.
As part of the Police Department in the role of intern Ashley is pulled in to help investigate homicides. She soon runs into a series of Grifters, Con men and eventually the sadistic murderers they wish to catch. Be careful what you wish for, too much knowledge can be dangerous for Ashley as her mothers past might be predictive of her future.
Naïve Ashley soon finds out that everyone she meets has agendas and secrets – from the detectives to her new friends and neighbors. We see people at the edge of survival, compromising their morals in a lust for money, fame, and power. Murder, Revenge, Extortion, and Exploitation are on full display cloaked in a façade of New Orleans glamour and style – style with sleazy self-absorbed obsessive substance.
In the first season, we introduce Ashley’s relationship with Zak Rubens a reporter, Alex Lawrence a fellow intern, and mentor homicide Detective George Wells – lead investigator on the Lafitte Reserve killings. The season cliffhanger ends where we learn that Ashley may have found her father.
Similar Series: Twin Peaks, Prime Suspect, The Killing, Veronica Mars, Red Riding, Life.
Similar Films: Mulholland Drive, Asphalt Jungle, Touch of Evil, The Killers, The Black Dahlia.


Episode 101:
Ashley Gable arrives from Detroit to be a New Orleans PD intern and eventually a criminologist. She meets Zak Ruben a reporter for the Times and Alex Lawrence a fellow intern. She starts to work under Detective George Wells and his partner Detective Ricardo Romero as they investigate the murder of a prostitute named Colista. They find a lead suspect in wealthy businessman Fred McCallister. We learn that Ashley looks exactly like her mother, “Nylon” Dawn Crowley, who died in New Orleans 20 years earlier in the Lafitte Reserve serial killer murders. Ashley meets Madam Sonia, 60, a local madam who seems very close to many of the girls in her apartment complex and also is overly close to Detective Wells. They pursue McCallister for the murder of Colista. There’s a stalker after Ashley and he is in her apartment at the close of this episode.

Episode 102:
A young Vietnamese hooker, Lin Chu, 18 is almost killed by her John Chen Lee in a motel room. While escaping, Chen accidentally kills an old woman, April, coming out of a store with a shot intended for Lin Chu. George and Ricardo first investigate Ashley’s mysterious stalker and then are called to investigate the old woman’s murder. Ashley goes with Zak to the paper and learns more about her mother’s death. Zak and Ashley sleep together. Alex Lawrence is very jealous as he has feelings as well for Ashley. Ashley visits the Devine Strip Club and its owner Freddie Cougar Jr. we learn is one of Det. George Wells informants. Meanwhile, they find that Chen Lee has paid a dowry for Lin Chu to her father, Shu Chu. Unfortunately, her father has taken many dowries’s as he has been pimping his own daughter. Ashley tells Zak that there are no strings attached, but we all know she isn’t capable of that type of “open” relationship.

Episode 103:
Reverend Joseph Washington is gunned down in his church. Young Maria one of Sonia’s girls is found dead near the Lafitte Reserve Park. Lt. Bragg is concerned about George and Ricardo’s progress on Lafitte Reserve and puts Detective Peter Firth in charge of the case. George is furious. Ashley finds out that Zak has a supermodel girlfriend Penna Olva. She is very upset. Ashley is promoted to full Criminologist when there is a retirement on the force. She hangs out with Drew the creepy crime scene photographer. He takes her to a party where she meets a Horror Producer Tony Stricklin. We find out Stricklin knew her mother. She returns to his place with two girls Monica and Sophia. Ashley gets “roofied” (drugged) with a spiked drink, just before she is compromised by Stricklin, George shows up and gets her out of there. She ends up spending the night with George and they almost sleep together. They find out that Reverend Joseph was murdered in a revenge for a murder the Reverend committed 30 years earlier. The Brother and Son of the victim from 30 years earlier are trying to protect each other from the murder rap.

Episode 104:
George, Ricardo, and Ashley investigate the murder of a young girl. At first, they suspect the boyfriend. Detective Peter Firth finds a critical piece of information that directly ties Horror Producer Stricklin to the Lafitte Reserve murders. George, Ricardo, and Ashley are at first skeptical but then based on the evidence realize Stricklin must be the killer. In the primary investigation of the Young girl, they realize the Boyfriend hired a hitman. When the hitman isn’t paid by the boyfriend he kills the boyfriend. He is about to go after the boy’s father and extort him when he is finally stopped.

Episode 105:
We find out that Stricklin got access to some of the police evidence in the case as Detective Peter Firth, or someone on his team, must have leaked it. We learn it was all a publicity stunt for Stricklin’s next film that is being released. Peter has been kicked off the case and George, Ricardo, and Ashley are put back on. Zak pleads to get back with Ashley. She won’t let him back into her life. Ashley meets Mobster Johnny Ricco who used to pimp out her mother. Ricco promises to help Ashley if she does him some favors. He wants key information on ongoing cases and upcoming drug investigations. He tries to blackmail Ashley. Ricardo comes in to bail Ashley out of the situation. George never knows.

Episode 106:
Serendipity. This episode is all about accidental deaths. A woman on the way to her 50th birthday is run over by a truck carrying her birthday cake. A daughter about to be married is accidentally electrocuted by her parents. A man at the funeral for his wife is killed when he is accidentally lacerated and killed by the tractor that is moving her casket. He lands in her grave her coffin lands on top of him. Ashley finds out what her mom was doing the day before she died. Her mom was at a funeral for a friend who died at the hands of the Lafitte Reserve killer. She died the next day. It is very dark gallows humor.

Episode 107:
Ashley makes fast friends with, Cherry, a porn star that she met through Mobster Johnny Ricco. In the meantime, the team investigates the “Vaporizing” of an airport employee when he “accidentally” walked right behind a jet firing its engines. We learn that Ashley and Cherry are sisters. Ashley’s mom had Cherry when she was 16. We learn that the man was actually murdered by a Gay lover who didn’t want him to return to his wife.

Episode 108:
A texting revenge death in an honor killing. A man upholds the honor of his sister after he finds out a friend of hers is texting that she is a “whore”. The fact that she has been hooking doesn’t seem to stop him. He kills the texting guy by blowing his head off with a shotgun. It is a chase to catch him as he has been evading the law and trying to get out of the country to Turkistan. Ashley gets back together with Zak. George is upset by this. We sense George is becoming infatuated with Ashley. Meanwhile, Ashley looks to console her feelings with Cherry, but can’t find her. Cherry’s disappeared. Ashley freaks out thinking that maybe she’s been murdered.

Episode 109:
Ashley is still looking for Cherry. A body turns up this time in the in Lafitte. It fits the description of Cherry. Ashley freaks and heads there to see if it is Cherry. It isn’t. But she does know the girl it’s Stripper Penny from the Devine strip club. At first, we think that it is related to the Lafitte Reserve, but then when they find the stripper’s boyfriend, Chris, lives further down the creek. They find out that it is a meth/gambling debt deal gone bad. They were both executed but dumped separately. The killer turns out to be Chris’ best friend who sold them both out for $5k in drugs.

Episode 110:
Cherry turns up, apparently, she was “kidnapped” by a Billionaire and has spent the last two weeks screwing her way through Europe to get back home. Ashley gives up on her crazy porn acting/hooking half-sister as she doesn’t see the point in making the emotional investment. Ashley finds out Cherry’s father was a family man, who slept with her mother, Dawn, he died in a small plane crash. Ashley meets his wife who is now remarried – she is of similar type and body as her mother would have been. Ashley tries to confide in Zak as she’s having a crisis of faith and life direction. Zak isn’t up to the challenge especially after George threatens him. George expresses his feelings to Ashley. She isn’t sure what to do. They both agree not to go there – lovemaking. George sleeps with Rachel, the coroner again and she realizes that he is infatuated with Ashley. She lets it slide.

Episode 111:
George makes a connection that he thinks will finally solve the Lafitte Reserve case. It brings him to the doorstep of Zak’s father, Congressman Rubens. He tries to pull a warrant on a building that Congressman Rubens owns. Zak and Ashley think this is retribution against Zak. George is actually just following the facts. They are about to get the warrant when Internal Affairs, Ferguson pulls George down for corruption in the Eduardo/Polzner case. George is on unpaid leave from the force while the IA/DA’s prosecution moves forward. They start throwing the book at George. Ashley tries to be there for him. They can’t get the warrant on Congressman Rubens place. Ashley sneaks into Rubens building on her own. It is clean. It has been recently cleaned and bleached. While there, Ashley does find an earring back in a crevice. When she compares it to the victims in the Lafitte Reserve case it is a match for murdered Colista’s earrings. When she tries to get an answer she is blocked as getting a warrant is out of her scope and jurisdiction. Ricardo doesn’t want to get in the middle as it is “too hot”.

Episode 112:
A woman is dying and calls the police to say that she has been poisoned. They get the emergency crews there and soon find out that she has radiation poisoning. We find out that her husband is a nuclear physicist. He did it to find out whom she has been cheating on him with. She doesn’t want to admit any affairs even though she is dying. When they go through her phone records and check out all the guys they find out she has been having an affair with the Physicist’s brother. He has radiation all over him. She dies, the brother survives. Meanwhile, George is fighting his case against the IA/DA. We find out that another cop is implicated in the death of Eduardo and has been taking bribes from the Mob. It exonerates George. He is allowed to come back on the force although IA still believes he is corrupt.

Episode 113:
Ashley finally breaks and sleeps with George. And then discovers he is likely her father. Tracy, Ashley’s neighbor, is killed and it is clearly a case of the Lafitte Reserve killer. Everything now points to a combination of Congressman Rubens and the Assistant DA being involved. George needs to go after the Congressman but is again blocked by IA. Ashley tries to bring in the FBI, they are reluctant to get in the middle with so thin evidence. FBI agent, Bagher, propositions Ashley. She’s just too emotionally spent to go there. The cliff hangar ends with Ashley running DNA on George and herself to find out the truth if George is actually her father.

“Nylon Dawn” – Series Characters:

Ashley Gable –Criminologist – Lead – Episode 101-
Dawn Crowley – “Nylon” Dawn Crowley, Ashley’s Mother – Episode 101-
Detective George Wells – Homicide Det – Lead – Episode 101-
Detective Ricardo Romero- Homicide Det – Episode 101-
Zak Rubens–   Times Homicide/Vice Reporter. Episode 101-
Alex Lawrence – Intern pending Officer.
Congressman Rubens – Zak’s Father and a Congressman – Episode 111
Lieutenant Abbas – PD Lt. – Episode 103
Lieutenant Bragg – PD Lt. – Episode 103
Drew McLane– Homicide Photographer – Episode 101-
Rachel – Coroner – Episode 101-
Jamal – Tranny roommate of Colista – Episode 101
Tim – Club Pandemonium Manager Tim – Episode 101.
Madam Sonia – The Madam – Episode 101-
Tony Stricklin – Horror Film Producer. Episode 103
Monica, 22, – Hooker “friend” of Stricklin – Episode 103
Sophia, 22, – Rumanian, Hooker “friend” of Stricklin, works for Madam Sonia – Episode 103
Driver/Bodyguard – Stricklin Horror Film Producer Driver Bodyguard. Episode 103
Phen – The Sleazy Landlord. Episode 101.
Tracy – Hooker and Friend of Ashley – Episode 101
Cherry – Ashley’s Half Sister, Porn Actress – Episode 107.
Billionaire Angel Troupe – Kidnaps Cherry to Europe – Episode 110
Colista – Lafitte Reserve Murder Victim – Episode 101
Fred McCallister – Player possible Lafitte Reserve killer – Episode 101
Jack – Limo Driver – Episode 101
Eduardo – Murder Suspect (Dies in Fall) – Episode 101
Polzner – referenced, Eduardo witness for the prosecution in Polzner case. Episode 101-
Sharon and Ted – Older Tourists – Episode 101
Jogger – Discovers Colista’s Body – Episode 101
Gladisa Lopez – PD administrator – Episode 101
Sarah Slauson – PD Intern Administrator – Episode 101
Selena – Homicide Detective – Episode 101
Peter Firth– Homicide Detective – Episode 101
Frank– Homicide Detective – Episode 101
Hotel Serviceman – Hotel Serviceman finds bloody towels – Episode 101.
Attorney Nick Rowles – Frank McCalister’s Defense Attorney – Episode 101.
Assitant DA Jake Campbell – Assistant DA – Episode 101-
Maria – Madam Sonia’s Girl, Episode 101.
Lin Chu, 18, Hooker Daughter – Episode 102
Lucy Chu, Lin’s mother. – Episode 102
Shu Chu, Lin’s Father – Episode 102
Chen Lee – Obsessed Killer Drug Addict – Episode 102
Mrs. Chen Lee – Killers wife – Episode 102
April, 65, – Murder Victim, Chen Lee stray shot – Episode 102
Uniform Cop – At crime scene – Episode 102
Motel Owner – East Hollywood Motel Owner – Episode 102
Mia,4, Ricky,7, Leaza,8, Jose,10, Wendy,12, Ricardo Jr., 16, Referenced by Det Ricardo Romero as his six kids. – Episode 102
Freddie Cougar Sr.– Devine Strip Club Owner, was murdered– Episode 102
Freddie Cougar Jr. – Devine Strip Club Owner – Episode 102
Lillian – HairStylist and One of Madam Sonia’s Girls – Episode 102
Bartender Ernie– Devine Strip Club Bartender – Episode 102
Frosta – Devine Stip Club Stripper – Episode 102
Penny – Devine Stip Club Stripper – Episode 102
Chris – Penny’s boyfriend – Episode 109
IA Ferguson – IA Ferguson – Episode 101-
Mamaw – Ashley’s Grandmother – Episode 101- referenced.
Boss – Evidence Room Boss – Episode 103
Clerk – Evidence Room Clerk – Episode 103
Reverend Joseph Washington, 51 – Episode 103
Joyce, Mary, Pam and Fiona, Church Administration referenced by Rev Washington – Episode 103
Joyce, Church Administrator – Episode 103
Germaine – Rabble Rouser in the Hood – Episode 103
Instructor – Shooting Target Instructor – Episode 103
Jim Sorrotto – Retiring Criminologist referenced as having cancer. Episode 103
Uniform Sgt. – Keeping Hood Rabble back – Episode 103
Lew Sandler, 64, Murder Victim in 1986. – Episode 103
Al Sandler, 48, Murder Victim’s Son owns Deli. – Episode 103
Tanese, Al Sandlers Girlfriend. Episode 103
Uncle Harold Sandler, 79. Lew Sandler’s Brother. Episode 103
Penna Olva,25, Super Model Dating Zak. – Episode 103
Philipe – Referenced as Studio Photographer neighbor of Drew – Episode 103
Mobster Johnny Ricco, 47, Mobster who knewAshley’s mom – Episode 105