Pandora’s Box




Story, Screenplays, and Bible, by Serge Rodnunsky.©2011-2018
All Rights Reserved

Check out the Lookbook too it’s very cool.




“Pandora’s Box” is a rock band that is formed by Pandora, 15 and Jonathan 16, at JFK High School. This wonderful musical series follows the band, but also has a very dramatic edge as the discovery of the body of one of JFK students, Belinda Stewart, is found. Jonathan’s mother Patricia is the detective investigating the murdered of Belinda. Belinda was the older sister of Eddie the band’s drummer. The aspirations of the band, the budding romance between Pandora and Jonathan and the murder investigation, become a complex and fascinatingly layered binge-worthy show. Similar shows, Glee, Twin Peaks, Rock and Roll High School, High School Musical.






1st Day of High School for Pandora Wall, 15. We meet star lead guitar Jonathan Banks, 16. We meet Detective Patricia, Jonathan’s mother, who is investigating a murder. We meet Mr. Napier the school Music teacher.
Jonathan and Pandora decide to start a band with Eddie,16, drummer, and Tommy,15, the bass player. Jonathan is lead guitar and vocals. We meet Mrs. McDougal an evangelist history teacher who sees the kids as evil until proven otherwise. We meet Principal Choo who is corrupt and willing to sell out all ethics for money for herself and the school. Pandora is living with her evil stepmother Brandy Towne, 46. Detective Patricia is trying to solve the homicide of a teenage girl, Belinda Stewart, who died 2 years earlier. Belinda is drummer Eddie’s older sister. Patricia finds Belinda’s diary with a ton of “boyfriend” names in it. All of them become potential suspects. We meet Jake from the rival school band called “T-Rex”. We meet Teri Nunez who is a rival singer to Pandora. “Pandora’s Box” gets to perform for the first time as a startup band at the Policeman’s Benefit concert.


Armed with information from murdered Belinda’s diary, Patricia starts interviewing the names listed in the diary. She is immediately suspicious of Spike as he has a long arrest record. Jake, from T-Rex, starts hitting on Pandora. She is flattered. Jonathan is jealous. Jake asks Pandora to be a backup singer in the T-Rex rival band. Pandora sings a song with Jake. Jonathan is furious. We find out that Spike and Pharmacist, Andy, are dealing opioid drugs. Spike is blackmailing Andy. Spike knows that Andy had an affair with Belinda when she was only 15. Patricia thinks that Spike is hiding something but she can’t prove anything and has to release him. T-Rex is supposed to perform at a pep-rally. Jake gets sick with mono? We think maybe from kissing Pandora, but it was actually from kissing, TERI NUNEZ. Teri Nunez is a beautiful girl. She gets mono too. She is on the dance team and is very flirty with Jonathan. Jonathan asks Teri Nunez if she would consider being in Pandora’s Box. She is an excellent singer and direct competition for Pandora. Someone pulls the power on Pandora’s Box while they perform at the pep rally. When the power comes back on they have to stop as the rally is behind schedule


Mr. Napier is now a Suspect. We meet Mr. Napiers X-Wife. Napier sings a lonely song to himself, Pandora joins him. He is having problems with his X-wife and then is becoming a serious suspect in Belinda’s killing. This is matched with someone who is stalking Pandora.

EPISODE 4: Suicide. Belinda’s mom tries to kill herself. They are dealing with Teen suicide issues at the school.

EPISODE 5: We find out what happened to Pandora’s Dad. His death is very mysterious.

EPISODE 6: The Band splits up because Jonathan and Pandora are fighting. They lose a big gig opportunity as a result.

EPISODE 7: Bank Robbery, Patricia is shot. But survives. She shoots the robbers. She is bad-ass.

EPISODE 8: Pandora’s Box pulls it together and wins the semi-finals against 5 rival bands.

EPISODE 9: Teen Pregnancy concert. Jake is suspended from school for defending himself in a fight with a football jerk. Jonathan tries to help him. But Jake is lying about the whole thing. No good deed goes unpunished for Jonathan.

EPISODE 10: Drugs are Bad. Jake gets to come back to school and is up to his old tricks, sabotaging Pandora’s Box. Someone spikes the school dance punch bowl with LSD. A lot of people end up in the hospital.

EPISODE 11: Pandora learns how to drive a car and fails her driver’s test. She wrecks Jonathan’s car.

EPISODE 12: Lock Down. A kid brings a gun to school. The school becomes a part of the national gun debate.

EPISODE 13: Pandora and Jonathan make out finally. Spike is dealing drugs to kids in the school that he got from Andy. We find out more about Andy and his affair with Belinda. Spike has naked blackmail pictures that he stole from Andy’s laptop of Andy and Belinda.

EPISODE 14: Teri Nunez, gets raped by Spike after he gets her high. She is quiet about it. She carries it as a secret. He threatens her and uses her use of drugs against her. It’s twisted, he is abusing the hell out of her.

EPISODE 15: A new girl at school, Rena, becomes a band groupie and starts a fan club. Pandora isn’t sure how to deal with her geeky energy. Pandora becomes infatuated with them.

EPISODE 16: CELEBRITY: A local “celebrity” rocker comes to town and is a HUGE disappointment to Pandora as he isn’t cool at all. She was a huge groupie of his. Pandora questions the whole idea of celebrity. He makes a bunch of promises and it’s all lies to try and get her in bed.

EPISODE 17: A sex education class goes too far. Pandora wants to lose her virginity but is talked out of it by Jonathan. Pandora runs away from home and they are all looking for her. She can’t take her stepmother Brandy anymore. She moves in with, a young Aunt, Melissa. Melissa is only 24 and is trying to make it her own life. It doesn’t work because Melissa is too wild. Pandora ends up back with Brandy.

EPISODE 18: KIZMIT, HAPPY ACCIDENTS. Whimsical coincidences and spiritual mysteries befall the school. This causes Pandora to question her fate and her choices. The ghost of Belinda appears to Pandora and they sing together.

EPISODE 19: Rival Schools Haze JFK High School. The hazing gets taken too far.

EPISODE 20: Tattoos. Pros, cons, pain, and removal. Pandora wants a tattoo, in the end, she doesn’t get one.

EPISODE 21: Millennial Malaise. Widespread cheating is discovered in school.

EPISODE 22: Fat Shaming. Sexting. Anonymous Gossiping. Rumoring. Pandora learns there’s a possibility that her father is not dead. She looks for him.

EPISODE 23: The final band competition day arrives. They lose the competition by 1 judges vote. Later we find out that there was corruption involved. There is nothing Pandora and Jonathan can do about it. Pandora’s father is alive and at the concert. Pandora finds out too late. He disappears into the night.


Pandora finally meets her father. He is a broken soul, he wants her to be happy, but he is dealing with a lot of personal issues. He is on the run from the FBI on drug trafficking charges. Patricia uncovers the drug connection between Spike and Andy. Andy is busted. They try to get him to turn on Spike and his gang. He won’t flip. Spike kills Andy. We think now that he must have killed Belinda. But we find out it was someone else. Patricia’s investigation goes cold after the death of Andy.
She is unable to get a conviction against Spike. Jonathan and Pandora finally are dating and sleeping together. She is asked to sing on a demo. She has a shot to make it without the band. She agrees and realizes it is a big mistake. The band falls apart and Jonathan tries to start a new band. Finally, Patricia brings them all back together. “Pandora’s Box” finally wins the Battle of High School bands. They get to do a big performance in Chicago.


“Pandora’s Box” gets a record deal. But their 1st album is a flop. It goes nowhere and now they are in debt to the record label. Jonathan’s hand is broken badly by Spike. Jonathan can’t play and is super frustrated. It puts a lot of stress on his relationship with Pandora. Pandora thinks she is pregnant. Pandora starts to sing with T-Rex, while she is waiting for Jonathan’s hand to heal. A very talented songwriter, Paul 17, starts writing songs for Pandora and she starts falling for him. This causes her to completely change her style and look. Jonathan is emotionally destroyed. Jonathan and Pandora break up. Jonathan starts dating Teri Nunez seriously. Pandora realizes that it is too painful for her to stay with “Pandora’s Box”. She can’t be around Jonathan anymore. They take a break. Pandora tries to go solo. Paul and she are going to start a new band. A new manager finally hears “Pandora’s Box” 1st album and they fit a sound he is looking for. He is very sincere and a positive force for them. One of their songs fits the theme of a currently important political issue. Their song becomes the theme song of a political candidate making it a huge national hit. Pandora’s Box is invited to summer tour as the opening act for a huge band. Now they are on the road. Hotels, buses, and all the pressures of the road. As the saga of Pandora’s Box continues.


PANDORA WALL (Young), age 10
MARK WALL, 44 Pandora’s Dad
BRANDY TOWNE, 48 – Stepmom
STEPHANIE TOWNE 17 – Stepsister.
EDDIE SCHWARTZ, 16, drummer
MRS MCDOUGAL, 39. Evangelist History Teacher.
MRS CHOO, Corrupt Principal.
SPIKE, 34. Motorcycle Gang.
STEPHANIE TOWNE, 17. Step Sister
PHARMACISTS ANDY GRAY, 52 Pharmacists and Brandy’s Creepy boyfriend.
ALICIA SCHWARTZ, 48, Alexis and Eddie’s mom.
BELINDA SCHWARTZ, 17 – Murdered Girl.
TOMMY 15, Bass Player


Pandora Wall is a 15-year-old in her first year at JFK High School. After meeting Jonathan Banks a 16-year-old, star guitarist, they decide to form a band naming it “Pandora’s Box”. This dramatic musical series follows their fantastic band and their aspiration for success and fame. At the same time Detective Patricia Banks, Jonathan’s mother, is investigating the murder of a 17-year-old girl named Belinda, who was killed two years earlier. Her body has just been found in a shallow grave. Belinda was the older sister of Eddie Stewart. Eddie is “Pandora’s Box’s” Drummer. Belinda disappeared and was killed while she was still attending JFK High School. Many of the people closely known to Pandora, Jonathan and Eddie become suspects. The success of the band is often complicated by the investigation. Pandora lives with her nasty and unsupportive Step-Mother, Brandy Towne, as Pandora’s father mysteriously died when she was 10. This binge-worthy show engages us in heart-pounding themes and a murder mystery. Similar shows, Glee and Twin Peaks, Rock and Roll High School.